Building a National Model

Creating Regional Innovation Hubs

With its strategic location, potential for growth, and a desire to become a leader in healthcare innovation, 757 is well-positioned as the model site for developing a new approach to improving health and unleashing economic prosperity. Hampton Roads is an ideal region to grow this new community-wide health literacy improvement model. In addition, key stakeholders are excited about the potential impact that improved health literacy can have on the quality of the 757 workforce and the economic development of the region.

Linking Healthier757 with a parallel program in Nashville offers competitive advantages. Nashville, the headquarters of Global Action Platform, is the leading healthcare management center in the nation with nearly 85% of healthcare facilities managed out of Nashville.

Connecting the 757 and Nashville creates a powerful synergy for scaling of the solution to a total of 3.8M citizens. This new collective impact health literacy model will be subsequently rolled out to other cities throughout the nation.