Healthier757 is committed to helping local faith-based institutions improve the health and well-being of their members. We believe that working together, we can improve people’s health, reduce healthcare costs, and see our region prosper.
We can achieve these goals through Rewards for Healthy Living, a free, gamified health education platform available to 757 congregations.
Rewards for Healthy Living is powered by EdLogics, an innovative health education and digital communications company. The platform educates individuals in fun and engaging ways, leading to better healthcare decision-making and improved health outcomes. Through interactive health games, multimedia educational programs, innovative gamification strategies, and cool incentives (cash and other prizes!), Rewards for Healthy Living uniquely educates individuals on common and costly health conditions and connects them with resources that can help them live happier, healthier lives.
Rewards for Healthy Living helps improve the health of your congregation by:
Providing a trustworthy source of healthcare information
Educating on a broad range of physical and mental health conditions
Promoting better healthcare decision-making
Encouraging proper use of medications
Recommending appropriate healthcare screenings and preventive medicine
Helping users better understand and navigate the healthcare system
WATCH: Learn how improving health literacy will enhance the lives of your members.